Sweet Guitar 1.0
Purchase page

You can now purchase the full version of Sweet Guitar by credit card online, or by cheque.

Advantages of the full version of Sweet Guitar :

This version is of course completely limitation free. But by purchasing your licence you will also be given several others advantages :

  • You will be able to get a permanent and free support by email, by asking me for all your questions at the following address :

  • You will get a free access to all the future updates an enhancements of the 1st version of Sweet Guitar

  • You will get a free licence for the 2nd version of Sweet Guitar

  • The price of a licence for Sweet Guitar is 27 US$ or 22€, which I think will allow future development of this software, but can be accessible my most people.

    The payment process :

    You can pay either by online secured payment or by cheque if you prefer that way.

    Payment by cheque

    If you wish to pay by cheque just send me a 27 US$ (or 22€) cheque by mail, ordered at Frédéric Pigenet, at the following address :

    Frédéric Pigenet
    31, route de Montlhéry
    91310 Longpont-sur-Orge

    Send me your name, first name, and e-mail address, so I will be able to send you your serial number which will allow you tou download and install your copy of Sweet Guitar.

    Go to the following page to download Sweet Guitar with your serial number : Download Sweet Guitar 1.0 (this link is also available on the home page)

    Online payment

    The online payment is completely secured. It's done via the online payment service Yaskifo
    This service is used by many commercial sites and companies :

  • It supports many currencies,

  • It allows the use of many sorts of payment cards in the world (Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard, American Express, Japan Credit Cards (JCB), Cetelem's Aurore, French Blue Card),

  • The security of this service is certified ISO 7498-2,

  • The communications are highly secured by the SSL V3 128 bits protocol, and by par authentification by digital signature with the PGP standard

  • The steps of the payment are :

    1. Click on the following picture or text :

    When you click on this link, a window is opened and ask you to fill a payment form, with your coordinates and the number of you payment card.

    2. I am immediately informed of your payment by receiving a notification from the payment service. Then I send you an e-mail, with your serial number that will allow you to download and install Sweet Guitar.

    3. With the serial number, you can download Sweet Guitar at the following link : Download Sweet Guitar 1.0 (this link is also available on the home page)

    4. After having given this serial number, the download begins. Once installed, Sweet Guitar will also ask you for the serial number, in order to make it work.

    You wil be able to download it as many times as you need with your serial number. However, thanks to not give it to everybody (not exaggeratedly).

    The protection system that I ave made is rather light. I thinks that any protection system can be bypass, so a hacking is always possible possible, and I do prefer give some credit to the user's honesty.

    The act of paying is more based on the will of the user to encourage the author than on the repression or dissuasion systems :)

    NB : I don't see as hacking the fact that you make some copy for your friends. However, it's more encouraging if you buy a valid licence, so a 2nd version of Sweet Guitar will have more chance to be released

    For all the questions before or after buying Sweet Guitar, write me at :

    Frédéric Pigenet

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